Sunday 6 September 2020

SAM Chapter 7


Chapter 7 has arrived and with it some old friends.
 Remember Paul from The Retreat (see Books columns right)? Well he's working for the Baron now and is still breaking in young Andy as his personal slave. They're on a visit to the Brigadier and Jack takes the opportunity to show off his pet project - Sam!
Text in Books column on the right.
PDF version here.


  1. Link points to "here." instead of the file download.

  2. I think it interesting to make a difference in the treatment between young, smooth-skinned slaves who wear tunics and are punished with mildness, and brutalized slaves like Sam, always kept naked, whipped with violence, who sleep on the cold, hard floor of their cells.

  3. A contrast I will be exploring later in the story!

    1. I'm sure of it. There are slaves who are like pets, domestic animals, others like cattle, treated like beasts of burden.
