BIRTHRIGHT: Chapter Five


by John Dee Cooper
© 2021

Chapter 5

Nothing much happened for the next five or ten minutes, except that the three boys kept whispering and laughing and pointing at the slaves.
Danny didn't take any notice. His head was still spinning, his feet were still sore, he ached from head to toe and the taste of sick still soured his mouth. Even the smell of it clung to where it had been rubbed into his face. He stood rigidly to attention even though he didn't have the heart for it. He was disgusted at the exhibition he'd made of himself and the shame he'd brought on Frank.

“Take a deep breath and try to concentrate,” whispered Frank. “I don’t know what they want us for, but it’s  going to be a long wait. Don't lose your balance. Stay alert.”
Danny grunted. It was all the same to him. They could punish him if they wanted to. He hadn't got the energy. What did they expect from him anyway, after that ridiculous run?

“Let's clean them up,” said the Colonel. “Where's Zed?”

“Who's Zed?” asked Chad.

“One of Dad's handlers,” answered Kurt. “He's pretty awesome.”

“I want him to hose them down and get them ready for an inspection.”

“What kind of inspection, sir?” asked Chad.

“It’ll be good practice for when you start buying your own slaves. You’ll need to know what to look for and how to evaluate them. Ah, here’s Zed now.”

Out of the darkness stepped a handsome black slave in leather jeans and a smooth white tee shirt. He stopped a foot or two in front of the Colonel and lowered his head while he received his instructions.        

Chad and Bruno watched in awe as this bronze titan strode
over to the three naked slaves, his agile body moving like a finely tuned machine.

The three slaves stiffened. Even Danny snapped to attention. There was something compelling about this magnificently built Negro. He was as much a slave as they were, but he had the upper hand – he carried his Master's authority and they could almost smell it. He had only to whisper and they would jump to his command.
Quietly and with minimum fuss, he repositioned them so that there was an equal distance between them, then, with the lightest of touches he moved their legs apart and straightened their backs and lifted their arms vertically above their heads. They were used to opening themselves up for inspection, but not with this measure of precision. Zed's manipulation left them with each body part in exactly the right position for optimum access.         

“Remember this position,” he said softly to each of them in turn, “and hold it whatever happens.”

After all they'd already gone through that night, it was a wonder they had the strength to hold any position for more than a few minutes but it was as if the Negro had cast a spell over them.
His articulate fingers had sent sparks through Danny, soothing his aching joints and settling his blood, so that when Zed aimed a stream of ice-cold water at him, hitting him right in the stomach, he remained as still and as steady as a rock.
Zed turned the hose on each of them, moving round to cover their backs. The water was bitterly cold. They moaned and spluttered like drowning rats but somehow managed to stand fast, arms in the air, riding the pain with clenched teeth and taking no notice of the laughter and shrieks of delight coming from the three boys.

The icy water invigorated Danny even though as soon as it had drained away he could feel the cruel night air clawing at him again. His heart was beating wildly and for a moment he felt gloriously alive in every pore and sinew. He held himself taught and tightened his muscles and secretly hoped that the Negro would admire him for being a hero.

But the Negro was busy elsewhere. Out of the corner of his eye Danny could see he was huddled over Frank, as though he were tending to a wound. Danny didn't dare move his head. Frank didn't seem to be in any discomfort, so he just waited.

It was when Zed turned towards him that Danny saw the steel blade. It flashed in the overhead light. Danny panicked for a moment and dropped his arms. It was a foolish thing to do. The Negro growled. Danny pulled himself together and stuck his arms back up.

He could see now that Zed had been using the blade to shave Frank’s body. It was normal to shave a slave’s beard and even sometimes their scalps, but this was something new to Danny. He wasn’t sure what to think and he flinched as the Negro took a firm grip of his genitals.

Using his thumb and forefinger as a shield Zed drew the blade through the thick matt of black hairs that curled around Danny’s cock, scraping and smoothing the surface, carefully going over and round and underneath, lightly attending to each testicle in turn, until it was all soft, smooth skin.

It was unnerving for Danny, not because he was frightened of being cut, but because he thought of his pubic hair as a badge of his manhood. Now it was all gone, leaving him exposed and as smooth as a baby. Then he felt his cock thicken and his balls loosen as they nestled in the Negro's sensitive grip, till in his mind's eye they had grown as big and as heavy as Frank’s or Jack’s. He sucked in a bodyful of the cold night air. He’d show the Negro how much of a man he was.  Planting his feet firmly on the concrete, he clenched his fists into a tight ball and pushed up with his arms, as high as they would go, stretching and pulling his slim torso, straining every inch.

But the Negro took no notice. He finished shaving, threw some powder over Danny's genitals and stomach, and moved on to Jack.

To be continued...

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