Sunday 29 March 2020

PAULO Chapter 10

Well - the world has turned upside down since I last posted and like everyone else I have been passing the days in social isolation while this terrible virus does its work - and there's a long way to go yet. I hope all of you out there are keeping your distance from one another and staying safe.

I'm in London and we have just completed our first full week of shut down - no shops (apart from food stores), no theatres, no restaurants (except for takeaway) and no pubs!! My partner is working from home and we are ony allowed out once a day for exercise or to get food. I'm just about getting into the swing of it (it looks like it's going to last at least 12 weeks) and I suppose with all this imposed "spare" time I have no excuse for not getting on with Paulo's story.

So here is chapter 10, which is actually Leon's story. Hope you enjoy it and it takes your mind off things. Text in the Books section on the right, pdf here.

Tuesday 10 March 2020

PAUL Chapter 9

Chapter 9 has arrived - and it's Pepe's Story. Text in Books column right, and pdf version here.

By the way, I was checking back over previous chapters and discovered a mistake in Chapter 5. I must have been overcome with emotion when telling you about how Luis had his head shaved - and got him mixed up with Miguel, who is of course Senor Boronda's personal slave (pay attention at the back!) I have corrected the error here and in the pdf version.

Tuesday 3 March 2020

PAULO Chapter 8

Chapter 8 of Paulo's (mis)adventure is ready to read in the Books column on the right. PDF version available here.