Sunday 12 July 2020

PAULO Chapter 13 (Final)


Here is the final installment of Paulo's adventures. From orphanage in Spain to slave market in England. Well, I suppose that's the way it has to be. After all, a slave is just a slave.

Text in Books column on the right, pdf version here.

I hope you've enjoyed this story. It's been a long time telling, but one good thing about this lockdown, it has given me the chance to settle into a whole new routine and I am making good progress on my new story about a quarry slave called Sam. I hope to post the first installment very shortly.  So stand by your cages.


  1. The fate of this orphan was adequate. It was not strong enough to become a pack animal, nor handsome enough to be used as a sex animal. A beast for hire to be beaten and abused is the destination for animals with these characteristics. But, let's agree that this kind of life will not allow the animal to live for many years. It will die soon and still young. Its banal and sad story will die with him.

  2. Ah, but the narration is in the first person so Paulo is looking back over his life - perhaps some good fortune turned up for him on the way. Who knows?
